- addBackgroundImage
- addFooter
- addHeader
- addLineNumbering
- addPageBorders
- addProperties
- addSection
- createDocx
- createCharacterStyle
- createListStyle
- createParagraphStyle
- createTableStyle
- docxSettings
- embedFont
- importHeadersAndFooters
- importListStyle
- importStyles
- modifyPageLayout
- removeFooters
- removeHeaders
- setBackgroundColor
- setDefaultFont
- setDocumentDefaultStyles
- setEncodeUTF8
- setLanguage
- setMarkAsFinal
- setRTL
- addBibliography
- addBookmark
- addBreak
- addChart
- addCitation
- addComment
- addCrossReference
- addDateAndHour
- addEndnote
- addExternalFile
- addFootnote
- addFormElement
- addHeading
- addImage
- addLink
- addList
- addMathEquation
- addMergeField
- addOLE
- addPageNumber
- addShape
- addSimpleField
- addSource
- addStructuredDocumentTag
- addSVG
- addTab
- addTable
- addTableContents
- addText
- addTextBox
- addWordML
- embedHTML
- clearBlocks
- deleteTemplateBlock
- getTemplateVariables
- getTemplateVariablesType
- modifyInputFields
- modifyMergeFields
- processTemplate
- removeTemplateVariable
- replaceListVariable
- replacePlaceholderImage
- replaceTableVariable
- replaceVariableByExternalFile
- replaceVariableByHtml
- replaceVariableByText
- replaceVariableByWordFragment
- replaceVariableByWordML
- setTemplateSymbol
- tickCheckbox

Inserts footers into the Word document.
public void addFooter(HashMap<String, WordFragment> footers)
It is possible to include a different footer for:
- the first page or title page.
- even pages.
- odd pages (this one is the default footer for the whole document if no other footers are defined for the first or even pages).
The contents of the different footers are defined via the use of WordFragments. These footer WordFragments allow the insertion of:
- text paragraphs
- current date and/or hour
- images
- links
- lists
- page numbers
- shapes
- tables
A HashMap with the different footer contents.
Option | Type | Description |
default | WordFragment | The WordFragment object containing the contents for the default (odd pages) header. |
even | WordFragment | The WordFragment object containing the contents for the even pages header. |
first | WordFragment | The WordFragment object containing the contents for the first (title) page header. |