
Javadocx v6 release notes

  • 09 / 22 / 2021

We are happy to announce Javadocx 6, the new major version of the library.

Javadocx 6 includes a great feature, Support for MS Word 2021, among many others designed to boost your business and workflow.

In order to get the new version, just go to Pricing.

Users with a previous version only need to upgrade to the latest one. To do that, go to MY JAVADOCX and click on the “upgrade to” button. Users with a valid LUS (License Update Service) can download Javadocx 6 for free.

This is the complete list of the Javadocx 6 new features:

  • MS Word 2021 support.
  • Supported ${ } to wrap placeholders in templates.
  • PDFUtilities: removePagesPDF, splitPdf (Advanced and Premium licenses).
  • New method mergeDocxAt to merge documents at specific positions (Advanced and Premium licenses).
  • Improved mergeDocx when working with documents with multiple sections (Advanced and Premium licenses).
  • Improved HTML to DOCX when applying block parent styles without wrapping text contents
  • Improved importHeadersAndFooters to work with multiple sections.
  • New disableJavaScript option (true as default) in HTML methods to improve the performance.
  • Improved closing external resources automatically.
  • Renamed mergeDOCX to mergeDocx (Advanced and Premium licenses).
  • Added w15 namespace to the base numbering template.
  • New primaryStyle and semiHidden options in createParagraphStyle to set a custom paragraph style as primary style and display it in the style gallery.


Update 6.0.1 - 10/13/2021

  • Fixed the tickCheckboxes method when using sdt checkboxes.
  • Removed not used method in JavadocxUtilities.